Reset and rejuvenate your path to business success


Now Available

Work on your business, not in your business!

Shape your business and regain your personal freedom through dynamic new management techniques shared by Dr. Brad Poppie in The New Intrapreneur. Regain your work/life balance without sacrificing success by creating a modern management structure.


Dr. Poppie is a renowned serial entrepreneur with a passion not only for the “game” of business but also for empowering those who want to take the plunge from traditional employment to become the CEOs of their lives.

By catering to a vast array of audiences, Dr. Poppie relentlessly structures his speeches to not only captivate but to motivate with takeaway points that people can actually implement in their own lives and business endeavors…


The Poppie Factor Trilogy

The Poppie Factor trilogy is designed to guide anyone within the business world ranging from the dreaming entrepreneur to corporate upper management.

From his 30+ years of business experience, Dr. Brad Poppie shares his blueprint for starting a successful business, growing and sustaining business momentum, and building a strong team that will carry your business forward…

Let me, Dr. Brad Poppie, help you build momentum in your business and your life!

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